Quality of Gaming Life Expansion
Upon seeing the box in the flesh, I thought this was a little light. However, the inclusions really added to the gameplay, and almost make turn the overall package into Tapestry 2.0.
Board Game Scores & Ranks:
- BGG Weight: 2.82
- Play Time: 90-120 Mins
- Player Count: 1- 5 players
- Year Published: 2020
Board Game Designer:
- Jamey Stegmaier
Expansion Components:
- 7 x Landmark Minis
- 15 x Additional Tapestry Cards
- 5 x Landmark Cards
- 10 x Additional Civilization Mats
- Bag for exploration tiles
- 12 x Landmark Tokens
- Automa components and rules
Expansion Components:
Expansion Review
We really like the Space Tiles, and the bonus points they provide. In the past Matthias played Space, and I generally avoided it. Now if my civ supports, I will work my way down to the space tiles.
Matthias has yet to play the base solo, but is really excited for the 3 included solo scenarios in this expansion.
The minis are useful and fun, as they give some early game direction and goals for those looking to get a head start on building.
The new civilizations are fun and very powerful.
The rulebook has starting resource updates for a number of the base civs help with balance, which is always appreciated.
Initially we didn’t think much of the landmark tokens that cover up the board spaces. However, we really found them useful. No token, no landmark.
The game is still random, and after repeated plays it’s become part of the charm of Tapestry.
All in all, this is a very solid expansion that improves upon the core game without drastically altering the core gameplay. The additional civilizations and new landmark cards add a nice touch to the replayability of the game.
Simply put: If you like Tapestry, you will like this expansion.