We are a couple of marathon running board game enthusiasts. When we put our minds to a new challenge we take the ‘meeples by the girth’ and attack it at full steam ahead (that includes learning a plethora of new games).
Lisa played many games with her family growing up from Boggle, Cribbage to Monopoly and the Game of Life. She was then introduced to The Settlers of Catan back in 2010 and quickly added Ticket to Ride to the collection. From there Lisa and Matthias expanded the collection to a wide array of genres from classic euros, modern euros, war games, roll & writes and party games. They have played and enjoy many different game mechanics with tile laying, dice and worker placements, co-operatives and roll & writes being some of their favourites.
Matthias has worked as a Marketing Manager for over 10 years with vast experience in electronic media marketing, data analysis, and target marketing. He possesses his Bachelor of Business Administration. Lisa is a High School Business and Science Teacher with experience in event management and running her own business. She possesses her Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Hospitality Management and her Masters of Teaching.
Outside of board games the two have a combined total of 18 marathons and numerous half marathons and trail challenges completed with more on the horizon. When not playing a board game marathon they can often be found on the trails in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada or SUPing on the Great Lakes.
The duo has creating a dynamic presence as the Marathon Meeples on Instagram, YouTube and their website to engage with fellow marathoners (gamers), designers and publishers to discuss the replayability of games. Their interest lies beneath the initial ‘hotness’ of a game and into what makes a game solid and survive the test of time through numerous marathons and challenges. They are interested in conducting interviews with designers and publishers, play testing games and conducting replayability reviews and promotions.
Does your game have what it takes?